Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is Kinesiology?

What is Kinesiology?

I heard about it through my friend who is the leading kinesiologier in Valasaravakkam.  I would like to say something about it here and it is having nice opportunity to know about Kinesiology.  Kinesiology is also known as Human Kinetics.  It is a scientific study of human movement and it is the study of human movement to solve human's physical problem too. Kinesiology is also having and inclusives of Physialogical, Mechanical and Psychological mechanisms.

I hope to get share more ideas about Kinesiology is also included the biomechanics and orthopedics such as occupational theraphy through rehabilitation as well as sports and exercise.  In Kinesiology who have earned a degree then they can do research in it and they can have institution and its environments to make human happiness through this Kinesiology.

Now I need to give more details about Kinesiology and its related website for your happiness to learn about it here.